T A K E    A    P R E F E R E N C E    F O R    P R I V A C Y

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Private yacht charters, unlike crowded trips on mammoth cruise ships, are exclusive, customized, familial or intimate, relaxed, and quiet. Private yacht charters are small, personal excursions without and away from thousands of other guests on miniature floating cities. Don't rent a measly cabin on a rowdy and uncomfortably packed cruise ship. Hire your own yacht.

All elements, from linens to wall coverings, of a private charter vessel are designed with just you in mind, not you and thousands of other guests. A private charter vessel is like your own condo: personalized, tasteful, uniqueand far more importantyours.

When you charter a private yacht for your family vacation, personal milestone, or corporate gathering, you can be guaranteed of getting outstanding value for your hard-earned money. Consider a private yacht of 80', such as FantaSea, with your own chef and crew; you will often pay a rate that equals the sum of the amounts paid per person for small overused cabins on "mini-city" cruise ship.

On many charters, rates are all-inclusive; use of "toys" from snorkel/dive gear to tender, of linens & towels, and of shampoos & soaps are free of charge. With whatever your private charter boat is equipped is yours for the time that you spend onboard.

Food allergies, special dietary needs, and strong preferences are no problem. A personal chef, prior to your arrival, would buy only foods that you clearly specify. Care for a chilled Pinot Grigio in place of beer? That's what would be cooled and waiting for you onboard your private charter yacht; never mind disappointedly standing in long lines only to discover that the one dish that you do like is gone. Your snacks and meals are created in accordance with your conditions and served to you on your schedule.

Another and a most considerable idea is that you decide your itinerary and activities that happen aboard your private yacht. When you discover the perfect cove for your anniversary dinner, without anyone else in sight, a pristine and untouched island beach tempts. Want to stick around for another full day? Merely say so and the extension is granted. It is your yacht, your vacation in paradise, and your itinerary to modify with a simple request. Forget queuing for a ship's scheduled stop in a busy port of call in order to get out and explore ashore. Have you ever tried reciting your own plans to a cruise ship captain? It wouldn't work in that way. Cruise ships only ever care to satisfy a mass of people, not a small pack or couple, either of which FantaSea well serves.

Charter a private yacht. Charter [a] FantaSea.

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